Category Archives: Alita Restoration

New Content Added: Replacing the Double Planking

Although my web site has been dormant for several months (mostly due to technical problems), I have been busy. In particular, I replaced the main engine bulkhead, replaced two of the 8 laminated frames, and replaced the first of the double planks.

You can read about the double planks under “Planking > Replacing Double Planking.”

I’ve added some other (mostly historical) content as well. So explore the site and let me know what you think.

Website Change

The original website for the Alita Restoration Project was at Although this site is still viewable (as of 8/25/2015), I can no longer add content to the site.

So I’ve created a new site (this one), which I hope to keepĀ  up to date. Eventually, I hope to port the old content to the new site, but there is a lot of it. So it will take some time!